Where should I put my Add-on?
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A natural place for Add-ons is right alongside where you manage your current Local sites. Whether you want to add functionality to an existing tab or create a new one just for your Add-on, we've got your back!
Does your Add-on expand existing functionality? Do other controls related to its context exist already in Local? For these sorts of Add-ons, you can easily integrate with the existing Local structure!
Examples of Add-ons inside of pre-existing Local context are the Notes and the Xdebug + PhpStorm Add-ons. Notes is located in the "Site overview" tab, because conceptually, it makes sense for it to be front-and-center, on the first screen you encounter, that happens to be focused on managing high-level site details. The Xdebug + PhpStorm Add-on creates quick access to managing certain site settings, so it makes sense for that control to live in “Utilities.”
Is your Add-on a standalone concept? Does it need a large amount of space or multiple sections of information to be useful? Then a new tab may be the best place. These tabs should be added to the dropdown underneath the "More" tab inside of a Local site.
Examples of existing Add-ons with their own tabs are Stats and Volumes. These Add-ons have deep functionality that also conceptually stand on their own.
When creating a new tab underneath "More," be sure to include the name of your Add-on in the title bar of this new section!